Did You Know: Food-For-Trash Initiative in a Philippine Barangay

Did You Know: Food-For-Trash Initiative in a Philippine Barangay

The Philippines is one of the biggest contributors of single-plastic waste in the world. Almost all of the waste are found in our seas and oceans due to improper disposal of these non-biodegrable trash.

One of the barangays in Metro Manila took initiative in reducing their disposal of plastic waste. Barangay officials of Bayanan in Muntinlupa City encouraged residents to take part of proper plastic disposal program by swapping plastic waste for rice.

Food for Trash initiative of Barangay Bayanan in Muntinlupa City
Screen grab from Reuters's video

Residents of Bayanan can get a kilo of rice for every two kilograms of plastic waste. The plastic waste collected will be turned over to the government for recycling.

According to Bayanan's Barangay Chairman Andres San Pedro, thru an article in Manila Bulletin, "Bayanan collected more than 213 kilograms of sachets, bottles, and plastic bags in August."

When will other local government officials, especially in populous cities or municipalities, take action? 

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